Why ISO27001:2022 Accreditation is Crucial

ISO 27001 is a dynamic framework that fosters continuous improvement and resilience against digital threats.

Why ISO27001:2022 Accreditation is Crucial
Why ISO27001:2022 Accreditation is Crucial
Michelle McGuire
August 9, 2024

At valid8Me, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of information security, and our recent journey to recertify for ISO 27001:2022 status was a testament to that commitment.  

As a RegTech firm operating in an increasingly complex regulatory landscape, we understand that robust data protection measures are not just a compliance requirement—they are essential to building trust with our clients and stakeholders.

Recertifying to ISO 27001:2022 presented us with both challenges and opportunities. It required a thorough review of our Information Security Management System (ISMS), a deep dive into our existing processes, and a collaborative effort across our teams to ensure we met the stringent requirements of the updated standard.  

From enhancing our risk assessment procedures to implementing new security controls, we viewed every step of the process as an opportunity for growth and improvement. In this blog post, we’ll discuss our view on why ISO 27001 accreditation is important and the benefits it brings to our clients and indeed our own organisation.

Why ISO27001:2022 Accreditation is Crucial

As the digital landscape in which we operate continues to evolve and change, data security is a paramount concern, especially for industries dealing with sensitive information. Technology providers like valid8Me are at the forefront of providing innovative solutions to manage regulatory processes to the financial services sector.  

As our clients use valid8Me to manage their AML/KYC programmes, sensitive personally identifiable information (PII) is stored on our platform. Therefore, demonstrating our commitment to data security is crucial.  

One of the critical aspects of gaining and maintaining trust is ensuring robust information security management. Achieving ISO27001:2022 accreditation is a significant milestone for valid8Me, and this blog post discusses why it is essential for both valid8Me and our clients.

Understanding ISO27001:2022

ISO 27001:2022 certification is not just a checklist – it's a dynamic framework that fosters continuous improvement and resilience against digital threats.

ISO27001:2022 is the latest version of the international standard for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). It provides a systematic approach to managing sensitive company information, ensuring it remains secure.  

The standard includes requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an ISMS. It also includes a set of controls and measures that organisations must implement based on their risk assessment to manage information security risks effectively.

ISO 27001:2022 goes beyond technical controls. It considers people, policies, and procedures, creating a holistic ISMS. Firms can align their security practices with industry best practices, enhancing cyber resilience.

It's not confined to the digital realm alone; ISO 27001 extends its reach across all forms of information storage and processing — from digital databases to physical files and beyond. It emphasises a holistic approach, ensuring that every aspect of data, regardless of its form, is adequately protected against the ever-evolving threats in the information landscape.

Benefits for valid8Me’s Clients

Demonstrating Commitment to Data Security

Achieving ISO 27001 certification demonstrates valid8Me’s commitment to data security. As discussed previously as the valid8Me platform handles sensitive AML/KYC data, this certification reassures our clients that robust measures are in place to protect their information. In an era where data breaches can severely damage reputations, having ISO 27001 certification ensures that valid8Me is as a trusted partner in compliance and security.

Trust and Confidence Clients use the valid8Me platform to manage sensitive financial and regulatory data. valid8Me's ISO27001 accreditation provides assurance that their data is handled with the highest standards of security. This builds trust and confidence in our ability to protect their information.

Regulatory Compliance Clients in highly regulated industries, like the financial services sector, must adhere to stringent data protection regulations. By partnering with an ISO27001:2022 accredited RegTech company like valid8Me, clients can be assured that our data management practices support their compliance obligations.

Data Integrity and Availability Ensuring data integrity and availability is critical for clients who rely on RegTech solutions for their operations. ISO27001:2022 accreditation means that the company has robust measures in place to protect data from corruption, loss, or unauthorized access, ensuring that the data is reliable and available when needed.

Improved Risk Management Clients benefit from the comprehensive risk management framework that ISO27001:2022 accredited companies implement. This ensures that their data is protected not only from cyber threats but also from physical threats and natural disasters, providing a holistic approach to data security. In an era of operational resilience, this ensures that valid8Me is in a position to withstand and recover from any unexpected disruptions or threats.  

Partnership and Collaboration ISO27001:2022 promotes a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration within the accredited company. Clients benefit from this culture as it ensures ongoing enhancements to security measures and better alignment with emerging threats and regulatory changes.

Benefits for valid8Me

Enhanced Security Posture ISO27001:2022 provides a comprehensive framework to protect against a wide range of security threats. As our clients use the valid8Me platform to handle large volumes of sensitive personal data, this accreditation ensures that all necessary precautions are in place to protect against data breaches and cyber-attacks.

Compliance and Legal Requirements: While valid8Me does not hold a regulatory status, our clients operate in a complex regulatory environment and must comply with various regulatory requirements and standards. ISO27001:2022 helps ensure that our clients regulatory compliance requirements are met, reducing the risk of legal penalties and enhancing the company’s reputation in the market

Operational Efficiency Implementing ISO27001:2022 encourages the adoption of best practices and streamlines processes related to information security. This leads to improved efficiency and productivity within the organization, as risks are managed more effectively, and incident responses are better coordinated.

Competitive Advantage Having ISO27001:2022 accreditation is a mark of excellence in information security. It differentiates valid8Me from its competitors by showcasing its commitment to protecting client data.  

Risk Management The standard emphasises a risk-based approach to information security. By identifying and addressing potential risks proactively, valid8Me can mitigate vulnerabilities before they are exploited, ensuring the safety and integrity of our data and systems.

Higher Security Awareness ISO 27001 promotes a culture of security awareness within organisations. valid8Me has established policies, training and awareness programmes, ensuring that our employees are aware of the potential risks and their roles in mitigating them, which means that valid8Me has a security conscious workforce.

ISO27001:2022 accreditation is not just a certification; it’s a testament to valid8Me’s dedication to maintaining the highest standards of information security. For valid8Me, it enhances our security posture, ensures compliance, and provides a competitive edge.  

For our clients, it builds trust, ensures compliance, and guarantees that their sensitive data is managed with utmost care and integrity.  

In an industry where data security is paramount, ISO27001:2022 accreditation is a crucial factor in building a resilient, trustworthy, and competitive RegTech ecosystem.